Gartner finds that B2B buyers considering a purchase spend only 17% of their consideration time meeting with potential suppliers. When comparing multiple suppliers‚ buyers might spend only 5% or 6% of that time spent with any one sales rep.[1]
So it’s on you to do a bang-up job publishing and promoting content that attracts, intrigues and inspires prospects – i.e., everyone on the ever-expanding buying committee – until they’re ready to talk to sales.
Done right, your content will resonate and engage your audience, and lead them down that path to purchase. Even better, it will support them from the start of the buying journey through the post-purchase experience, triggering loyalty and advocacy.
Your goal: Publish content so helpful that you’re seen as the go-to resource on top-of-mind topics that matter most to prospective buyers. Come time to make a purchase – or recommend a solution to a peer – they’re far more likely to think of your company than a competitor that focuses more on selling than helping.
Stephanie works with B2B technology companies determined to engage prospects and customers in an ongoing dialogue. Based on a deep understanding of the buying process and what prospects and customers expect, she helps devise strategies and create marketing content that forge connections.
Whether you need a strategic white paper, eBook, case study, or other content asset, Ten Ton Marketing can help you accelerate the buying cycle and compel your audience to buy. Just as important, she draws upon her background as a product marketing manager to address the needs of sales teams, marketing groups, and executives. The result? She delivers marketing insight and copy that helps you:
- Align sales and marketing objectives
- Differentiate from the competition
- Connect with influencers and decision makers
- Achieve maximum penetration in target markets
- Advance the buying cycle