White papers — and increasingly eBooks — play a critical role in the buying cycle. In fact, white papers are the most consumed and most influential asset for those making a technology purchase decision.(1) 41% of technology buyers use white papers weekly or monthly for their jobs.(2) And 64% of IT professionals have shared white papers with a colleague.(3)

But producing an effective white paper or eBook is no small matter. Did you know:

  • Technology buyers rate “too much marketing hype,” “lack of truly independent, unbiased information,” and “information is too general” as their top 3 content problems.(4)
  • 66% of B2B technology buyers regard most white papers as too marketing/sale-oriented(5)

In other words, prospects stop reading a paper because it’s poorly written or too focused on a solution. Stephanie can help you develop high-quality white papers and eBooks that:

  • Resonate with readers
  • Reflect best practices
  • Advance prospects along the buying cycle

(1) Eccolo Media, 2014 B2B Technology Content Survey Report
(2) UBM, #1 Content to Generate Leads for B2B Marketers, http://createyournextcustomer.com/2016/03/21/24982/
(3) UBM, #1 Content to Generate Leads for B2B Marketers, http://createyournextcustomer.com/2016/03/21/24982/
(4) IDG Enterprise, Customer Engagement: The Role of Content in the IT Purchase Process, September 2013
(5) InformationWeek Business Technology Network, How to Maximize the Use of White Papers in Your B2B Marketing and Sales Process